As we know, the iPad has a big market. Many people use the iPad to check social media updates or important tasks while traveling or doing daily work. Some others are using it as a drawing tablet or animation by installing animation software. Although it does not work as a full-fledged computer it helps a lot to complete many tasks. Sometimes we need to use multiple screens to complete our tasks. To do this we need to learn How to Get Rid of Split screens on iPad? or How to use multitasking on our iPad. In this article, I will guide you about how to split screen on an iPad.
Read on!
Note: To split the screen on an iPad, you’ll need to use an iPad Pro, an iPad 5th generation or newer, an iPad Air 2 or newer, or an iPad Mini 4 or newer. Check out our article to see what type of iPad you have.
How to Get Rid of Multiple Screens on Ipad?
Here are the steps to use multiple screens:
Related Article: How to Use WhatsApp on My iPad/Tablet
- Navigate to Settings > Home Screen & Dock > Multitasking. (To turn on multitasking feature)
- The multitasking process works a lot easier. Open your first app—let’s say photos
- Swipe up from the bottom of the screen just enough to display the dock.
- Hold down the icon for the second app—this time, Mail
- Drag it to the right side of the Notes screen until it turns into a small vertical window.
- Release your hold on the Mail app and it should slide into place as a floating window on the right.
- Adjust screen size for each app by just holding the gray line and moving right left to adjust the screen size.
How to View the Same App More Than Once
You can view the same app more than once with iPadOS 13.1 or higher, you can open three separate instances of the same app at the same time. For example, you can open messages, then grab the message icon from the dock and drag it into Slide Over or Split View mode. The app opens side by side where you can view two different web pages at once. If you grab the messages icon again, you can open a third instance of the app in Slide Over mode. Read also Best Tablets Under $100.
How to open Three Apps at Once
You can use three apps display at once by combining Slide Over and Split View mode feature.
- Open two apps in Split View Mode
- Hold finger at 3rd app, pull it out of the dock onto the center of the screen.
- Release hold
- Your two apps are in split view mode and 3rd app is in Slide Over Mode
Here is a video Guide:
Sometimes you need to write an article by using your iPad notes. For example, you are discussing the topic of half-moon explained on iPad. It demands you to open many screens like notes screen and Search engine screen to get help from the internet regarding the topic. Then you can use 3rd method to do this task. In this way, you can adjust all discussed methods according to your needs.
Hopefully, this guide helps you a lot. Comment below to give your valuable suggestions.
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